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 Maria SS Lauretana

Our Mission

The mission of the Society of Maria SS. Lauretana of Altavilla Milicia is to maintain in the hearts of the faithful, the veneration of the Blessed Virgin and to promote the sentiments of fraternal brotherhood among the members. To maintain the faith of the Roman Catholic Church in these United States of America and each year in September, the perpetual glory of our Protectress, Maria SS. Lauretana.


As a society of members we have multiple events throughout the year.   However our most important event of the year is our yearly celebration in honor of of the Blessed Mother which is held the last weekend of September.   Our Holy Day in Phoenix, being the last Sunday of September when we have a mass and procession with our Lady's image; as seen above.   In Altavilla Milicia, Sicily, the celebration is always on the 6th, 7th and 8th of September when the nativity of Mary is celebrated.   In Chicago it is celebrated the Sunday before Labor Day.

Quadro Madonna Della Milicia Pre 1990-Taken 10-31-23 - BEST PICTURE for Newsletter.jpg

Our Affiliates

The Society of Maria SS Lauretana of Arizona, being a catholic non profit organization, associates itself with the broader community of catholics and marian based associations around the world.  However, we would like to point out various entities that we claim direct affiliation.

Madonna Della Milicia

This is where it all started.  Our ancestral home of Altavilla Milicia and the place where the image of our most Blessed Lady arrived in 1623 and is venerated each year to this day.   Below is the link to the marian sanctuary of Altavilla Milicia, Sicily,


Society of Maria SS Lauretana - Chicago Chapter

Although there were, and are, other chapters of the Society of Maria SS Lauretana, Chicago is the most well known.   Established circa 1900, the Society of Maria SS Lauretana of Chicago is still going strong today.  It's yearly festival attracts thousands of patrons each year where they hold a three day festival, similar to Altavilla Milicia, Sicily.   The Arizona chapter can be viewed as descending from the Chicago chapter as it's founding members came from Chicago.    Below is the link to their website:


St. Joseph Catholic Church of Phoenix, AZ

If it weren't for the embracing hospitality of St. Joseph Catholic Church, the Society of Maria SS. Lauretana would not have a place to call home.   It is at St. Joseph Catholic Church of Phoenix, Arizona where we host all our events.  From our monthly meetings, Get-Together dinners, yearly St. Joseph Table and ultimately our yearly celebration to honor our Lady, St. Joseph Catholic Church has been extremely welcoming and we are forever grateful.   If you live in the area, we encourage you to become a parishioner at St. Joe's.   They are a wonderful parish.  Below is the link to their website:


Learn More

If you would like to learn more about who we are, what we do or simply have a question for us please feel free to complete the brief form below and click "Submit"  One of our Board members will reach out.

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P.O. Box 10563, Glendale, AZ. 85318


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